Public Notices

For all Citizen Advisory Board legal notices, Floodplain Permit notices, and City Council legal notices, the public notices will be published here.


none at this time.



NOTICE is hereby given of a PUBLIC HEARING to be held before the Three Forks Zoning and Planning Board on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. in the Three Forks Library “Montana Room”, 607 S. Main Street, Three Forks, Montana.

Kathleen McCord has made an application for a Conditional Use Permit for the property located at Block 58, Lots 4, of the Milwaukee Land Company 2nd Addition, commonly known as 616 4th Avenue East.  Said request is for approval to convert the garage space into a Cycle Studio with 4 bicycles to offer spin classes within Residential zoning.

The CITY COUNCIL will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 6:00 P.M., and act on the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Board. 

At each PUBLIC HEARING, TESTIMONY will be taken in support of and in opposition to this request.  Written testimony is also acceptable and may be sent to PO Box 187, Three Forks, MT 59752 or [email protected].

The complete application and proposed site plan for this request may be reviewed at the City Office or on the City’s website at  For questions concerning this request, contact Kelly Smith, City Zoning Official (phone 285-3431).  (Attendance via Zoom will be offered.  Contact City Hall for Meeting ID.)



The Three Forks City Council will hold a public hearing on January 28, 2025, to adopt the Impact Fee Advisory Committee’s recommendation for updated Impact Fees for all new construction and changes in use for Fire, Water, Wastewater, Transportation, and Municipal Buildings. The draft Service Area Reports and IFAC’s recommendation is available on the City’s website at  (The Council intends to hold separate public meetings to update the ordinance regarding Title 3, Chapter 6 Impact Fees as well, which will be in a separate notice.)

Written and verbal comment will be accepted at the hearing, or may be submitted via email to [email protected] or [email protected] prior to the hearing (deadline of 5PM on 1/28/2025).

The hearing will be held at the temporary meeting location of 116 E. Cedar Street, Three Forks, Montana at 6:00PM.  Please contact the City Office at (406) 285-3431 for any questions. 



Park Mowing, Cleanup, and Weed Control & Fertilizer

The City of Three Forks is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide weekly mowing services for the City parks during the growing season, a spring and fall clean-up (including bagging/picking up all leaves/branches/twigs) of all the parks, weed control and fertilizer applied (as needed), as well as “roundup” weed control in the playground/gravel areas (as needed).  The City prefers to enter into a multi-year contract at the rate submitted.  If bagging and removal of grass clippings is extra, please note any additional fee. Please break down the cost by mowing, spring/fall cleanup, and weed control, as well as the length of time in your proposal. Work is seasonal and typically begins in late April through September.  City parks for maintenance include:

1.     Stevenson Park

6. Helton-Peterson Park

2.     Bertagnolli Park

7. Veteran Park

3. John Q. Adams Railroad Park

8. Sacajawea Park

4.     Bellach Park (ponds area)

9. Well #5 Lot

5.     Lift Station on Oak St.

10. Library

Please submit proposals in person, via mail, or email to: City of Three Forks, PO Box 187, 206 Main Street, Three Forks, MT, 59752, or [email protected].  For questions, please call (406) 285-3431. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM, Friday, February 21, 2025.


Garbage Service for the City of Three Forks as a Customer

The City of Three Forks is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide weekly garbage pickup services for the following locations:

  • City Hall 206 S Main Street (currently has 96-gallon tote)
  • City Shop 306 Railway Street (currently has 4-yard dumpster)
  • Old City Shop 308 1st Avenue E (currently has 96-gallon tote)
  • Three Forks Community Library 607 S Main Street (currently has 2-yard dumpster)
  • Fire Department 13 E Date Street (currently has 96-gallon tote)
  • Rodeo Grounds 95961 MT Hwy 2 (currently has two 4-yard dumpsters)
  • Stevenson Park located east of park on 3rd Avenue E (currently has 2 96-gallon totes)

We are also seeking additional roll-off dumpsters for various cleanups throughout the year for our community at large:

  • Dumpster(s) capable of hauling 6 tons of yard waste for “Spring Cleanup”
  • Dumpster(s) capable of hauling 6 tons of yard waste for “Fall Cleanup”
  • Dumpster(s) capable of hauling 1 ton of fireworks waste over 4th of July weekend
  • Dumpster(s) capable of hauling 2 tons of real Christmas trees

The City is also interested in the possibility of recycling services to be offered seasonally at Bertagnolli Park (located between 4th and 5th Avenues East and Birch and Cedar Streets) from May to July annually, as this park is used daily for baseball and softball practices and games.

Previous contracts have provided some of these dumpsters free of charge.  The community would be grateful if new proposals included one or more of these services for free as well.  Previous contracts have provided a dumpster and driver for up to a maximum number of trips for one day only for spring and fall cleanups, as staffing permits.  Three Forks is amenable to having dumpsters left for the week or weekends in order to best provide this service to our community.  Three Forks owns the land where these dumpsters would be located.

Proposals should include the fees broken down by weekly service fee by location, additional cleanup services requested by location, additional recycling service if it can be offered.  The City of Three Forks will have the right to accept or reject specific services.

Please submit proposals in person, via mail, or email to: City of Three Forks, PO Box 187, 607 South Main Street, Three Forks, MT, 59752, or [email protected].  For questions, please call (406) 285-3431. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM, Friday, January 31, 2025.




Separate sealed bids for construction of the water improvements project will be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through QuestCDN vBid online bidding, or sealed paper copy by the City of Three Forks at Great West Engineering’s office at 2501 Belt View Drive, Helena, MT 59601 until 3:00 pm local time on February 26, 2025 and then publicly opened and read aloud.  Bidders may join the bid opening via in person or Microsoft Teams at the following link: or by phone: (406)247-0445 ID# 575565642.

The project consists of approximately 7,090 lineal feet of 6-inch diameter water main (new and replacement), 100 service connections with new curb stops, and associated fittings, valves, and appurtenances. The project is divided into a base bid and three additive alternatives.

Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at or for a fee of $25.00.  These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Current Projects Bidding” tab.  Reference QuestCDN Project number 9512324. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or [email protected] for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital project information and vBid online bid submittal. Project bid documents must be downloaded from QuestCDN which will add your company to the Planholder List and allow access to vBid online bidding for the submittal of your bid. Bidders will be charged a fee of $42.00 to submit a bid electronically.

Paper copies of the contract documents, consisting of half size Drawings and Project Manual, may be examined or obtained at the office of Great West Engineering, Inc., located at 2501 Belt View Drive, Helena, MT 59601, phone 406-449-8627 in accordance with Article 2.1 of Instructions to Bidders.  There is a required fee of $55.00 per set, which is not refundable. In addition, the Drawings and Project Manual may also be examined at the following locations:

Billings Builders Exchange

Great Falls Builders Exchange

Bozeman Plan Exchange

Helena Copy Center

Butte Builders Exchange

Missoula Plans Exchange

There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the Three Forks Community Library, Montana Room, at 607 S Main St, Three Forks, MT 59752 on February 13, 2025.  Interested Contractors are encouraged to attend.

Contractor and any of the Contractor’s Subcontractors bidding or doing work on this project will be required to be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI).  Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, PO Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena MT 59604-8011.  Information on registration can be obtained by calling (406) 444-7734.  All laborers and mechanics employed by Contractor or Subcontractors in performance of the construction work shall be paid wages at rates as required by State Prevailing Wages. The Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, or Bid Bond payable to The City of Three Forks, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid.  Successful Bidders shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount.  Insurance, as required, shall be provided by the successful Bidder(s) and a certificate(s) of that insurance shall be provided.

This project is funded in part or in whole with grant/loan funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and local funds.

Award of the project will be contingent upon receiving funding and award concurrence from ARPA.  Bids may only be withdrawn as provided in Section 16.02 of the Instructions to Bidders after the scheduled time for the public opening of bids.

The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid that is in the best interest of the Owner.

All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be submitted in writing to and must be received by Great West Engineering no later than 5:00 pm local time on February 20, 2025.  Questions received after this date will not be answered.  Oral questions will only be accepted at the Pre-Bid conference.  Written comments may be submitted to Susan Hayes of Great West Engineering by mail at: 2501 Belt View Drive, Helena, MT 59601 or email at: [email protected]. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all parties recorded as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect.

The City of Three Forks is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Published at Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Bozeman, Montana, January 28, 2025 and February 19, 2025.


Randy Johnston                                                                     




206 S Main St, Three Forks, MT 59752                           



Contact Info

Crystal Turner
City Clerk
[email protected]

Kelly Smith
City Treasurer, Zoning Official
[email protected]