City Business Licenses
It Is City Policy To Only Provide Names And Numbers Of Businesses Licensed To Those Inquiring For A Specific Business Type.
The “season” runs from October 1 to September 30 the following year and is $50.00 for an annual business, and $15.00 for a seasonal business. Seasonal businesses which operate in more than one season (i.e. snowplowing in winter and yard care in the spring) shall be considered an annual business.
Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 3 of the Municipal Code, it is a requirement to have a business license if you transact, operate, conduct, or engage in any occupation, trade, profession, or business, either directly or indirectly, within the city involving the sale of goods and/or services.
Application for Business License
Occupations, trades or professions which are specifically exempted from licensing by the State of Montana as exempt; see “Exception for Accountants, Real Estate Brokers and Establishments” link above right.
Other exceptions can be found in 4-1-4(A) here.
If you own more than one business, only one fee is charged no matter how many other business types you operate.
Nonprofits are not charged a fee for business license.
Minors are not required to obtain a business license.
Deliveries are not required to obtain a business license.
Property managers need only to obtain a license when managing more than three rental units.
“Itinerant Vendors” are those we commonly think of as door-to-door sales which offer a catalog or sample and take orders for future delivery (i.e. Tupperware) - these are considered exempt.
An example of a “Transient Merchant” would be the farmer who pulls in a trailer of pumpkins around Halloween to sell and when they are sold out, they leave…but are still required to obtain a business license.