Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)
The City just completed a comprehensive update, actually a complete rewrite, of the CIP. It began in 2023 with an online public survey, which was shared on the City’s Facebook page, website, and pushed out through an email subscription that over 300 people who have signed up to receive City of Three Forks’ news. The survey was also printed and handed out at the Three Rivers Senior Citizen Center and the Headwaters Area Food Bank. Between the online and physical survey copies, 14 hardcopy surveys were returned to City Hall and 80 online submissions were received. City Staff, the Council and Mayor also provided a detailed inventory and wish list of improvements in February 2023.
All this data was collected and compiled by the Great West Engineering team and then presented to the City Council on May 9, 2023. The team provided a presentation titled “CIP 101” and “Impact Fee 101” crash course at that public meeting. Great West took all the data to formulate a rough draft CIP which was first presented, including a presentation on what a Build Out Analysis for Impact Fees would be, on September 26, 2023.
A CIP is essentially a list of infrastructure needs which define improvements to the City’s infrastructure through construction, rehabilitation and maintenance, as well as identify and examine the current and future infrastructure needs, and establish priorities among those projects. A CIP also defines financial planning which includes balancing existing resources, potential grant funding, loans and the possibility that future growth’s impact to these systems may require a fee.
The first draft was distributed to the City Council and public on March 12, 2024, with the intention of just taking it home and reading it. An in-depth discussion was scheduled for and held on April 23, again on June 11, and then continued again to Jun 25, 2024. At each public hearing more suggestions, recommendations and ideas were provided by the Council, Staff and the public and Great West continued to refine the draft.
A resolution of intent to adopt the CIP was approved on July 9, 2024; and the final resolution of adoption was passed on August 13, 2024. It is the intention of this City Council to review this CIP annually (around March) prior to the upcoming fiscal year budget and include projects in the upcoming budget that the City has saved enough funds to conduct/perform/purchase, review those the City needs to continue saving for, engage the public, and revise the CIP as needed.
Below is a link to the complete Capital Improvements Plan.
The next step will be to engage the Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC) to look at this CIP and determine what, if any, impact fees could be recommended that new development as the City grows must contribute towards. Once finalized, the IFAC’s recommendation will be scheduled for a City Council meeting to adopt via Resolution.
The IFAC meetings will be advertised on our calendar here.